We strategically print your ad leveraging the data of demographics that will be in the minds of the audience providing your prospect consumer to take right actions.
News Paper
We analyze the right page and right size to present the eye-catching ads so that your ad reaches the target audience. We’ve partnered with renowned newspapers such as Times of India, Vijay Karnataka, Deccan Herald, The Hindu, Prajavani and many more to name. With the combination of our ad strategy and newspaper brands, our customers have experienced an increase in overall revenue return on investment.
Our team of professionals have mastered the art of identifying the right magazine for your product so that it reaches the right audience. In Business India or Forbes India, we know where your product sells the best, On Monday or on Saturday we know when it’s best to entice your customers. Our tactile experience in designing compelling ads and our partnership with reputable magazines will help you not only build brand identity but boost sales.
Direct Mailers
Our creative writers are pioneers in sculpting headlines that draw attention to the body copy which is the most essential selling tool in direct mailers. Our mails are tailored for a specific audience which helps our customers understand how the product solves their problem. We know the Do’s and Don’ts of Direct mailers, this helps our clients meet the expected rate of return on Direct Mailers.
Our innovative content developers curate newsletters in a way that’ll entice customers to purchase products. We track and measure the newsletter performance to ensure we get most of what we put in. we understand the basic metrics from newsletter open rates to bounce rate and revise our actions accordingly, this has helped our clients increase in ROI.